Cliff Fleet

President and CEO, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Joined RVA757 Connects: 2021

Cliff Fleet is president and CEO and the Colin G. and Nancy N. Campbell distinguished presidential chair of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. A corporate executive, teacher, community volunteer, board member and consultant, he has enjoyed a broad and deep career with leadership roles across a variety of disciplines and organizational sizes.

In addition to his role at Colonial Williamsburg, Fleet teaches at William & Mary, is chair of the William & Mary Foundation, co-chair of the Hampton Roads Executive Roundtable, and is a board member of the Omohundro Institute, and the Virginia Business Higher Education Council. 

Previously Fleet served as president of the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation and as president and CEO of several companies. A native of Virginia, Fleet earned four academic degrees from William & Mary, including graduate degrees in history, business administration and law.